In-keeping with our mission statement above, Kirwan UC seeks to serve the local community by creating a welcoming and inclusive community, exercising the love of God as expressed through the teaching of Jesus Christ and living out the presence of the Holy Spirit. In this mission we are committed to the ethos of the Uniting Church in Australia and participate in the missional initiatives of our parent organisation through the Presbytery of Carpentaria, community service provision Uniting Care, international aid and support through our partner churches overseas and Uniting World, chaplaincy and pastoral care for outback communities through Frontier Services and the commitment to First Peoples through the Uniting Aboriginal and Islander Christian Congress.
To be a prayerful church, seeking God’s will and trusting in Him.
To be a joyful church, in our worship, witness and service.
To be an evangelistic church, which inspires members to share their faith in Jesus Christ.
To be a compassionate church which engages with the wider community in the name of Jesus and which challenges members to take a stand on issues of justice and social responsibility.
To be a church which is supportive, encouraging and welcoming to all.
To be a church which recognises and affirms each person’s gifts and abilities and encourages the use of these.
To be a church which co-operates with other Christian churches in the service of the Gospel.